Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Free money

Most of you probably know about this sweet offer at Mansion Poker, but just in case:

You can wager $1,100 there on the Pittsburgh Steelers-Miami Dolphins season opener. If the Steelers win, you win $1,000. If the Dolphins win, Mansion Poker refunds your money within three days.


I have never seen an offer like this before, and Mansion Poker seems pretty reputable. Even if you don't know anything about sports betting (like me), this is an incredible deal. Here's the 2+2 thread, as originally pointed to by Dumbasses Trump All.


Here's one of the few photos I took from my baseball trip to L.A. Pictured are Erin, Owen and Alan. Kent and A.J. were also there, but somehow I don't have any pictures of them. Sorry.

And here's another angle of my computer monitor setup.


Stop the translation! said...

That is an awesome poker setup, man, the one with the cat and all, it's pretty similar with what I have, i think it's relaxing and keeps me focused at the same time.
Hmm, I don't know about the mansionpoker offer though, i mean would you wager a thousand there? I checked the site and that's exactly what it says. what's the deal there, what do you think?

Gnome said...

I think the Mansion Poker deal is a great offer. The site wants to attract new sports betting customers. There's no catch.

The Poker Meister said...

I'm confused; is this current or was this in 2006?

Gnome said...

This was in 2006.