I'm really hoping we get a good turnout for this thing. It's a chance for cash game players to have their day in the spotlight, and we'll also get to see some real, multi-street, deep-stacked poker.
I want to encourage all you bloggers to give it a shot. We know each other's games much better than those countless random screennames we encounter at the tables every day. It should create a fascinating dynamic with plenty of room for creative plays.
Here's the lineup so far, but any blogger should feel free to jump in when it's gametime. I have a feeling we'll have a few surprise guests:
Weak Player
The Poker Grind
RecessRampage (Probable)
Cmitch (Maybe)
Either Fuel or I will get a Yahoo chat room started for this thing. That way we can get together and descend on a cash table all at once to ensure it's filled with bloggers. My Yahoo screenname is "smizmiatch" if you want in on the chat since I don't know most of your screennames. We'll get the game started as soon as we have enough players.
Of course, you could just search for any of our names and join the table whenever you're ready.
Good luck to everyone.
One more thing: Government Gambling Pact is Classified
gl tonight!
Don't think I'll make it out of bed at 530am I'm afraid, but have a great one and I'll sit down if it's still going on at 7:30!
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