Thursday, January 22, 2009

A fish's life

In the sea of pot limit Omaha, I'm a small confused guppy aimlessly trying to take down a pot.

I don't know when to check or bet, I can't read how big my wrap draw is and I can't count outs over 20 because that's just too high of a number.

I'm a PLO fish, and I kind of like it.

I get to discover a new game and play against unique opponents from across the world. I don't have many notes taken, and reading hands is a guessing game.

PLO is an adventure in learning that hold'em can no longer offer.

I've played too many hold'em hands, read too many books and watched too many videos for the two-card variety to hold the same mystique it once did. Playing PLO is still a puzzle to be put together, piece by piece.

I relish this time spent as a rookie, but I don't want it to last long. This fish needs to grow into a shark.


  1. Well said, and amen. It's very fun to study a variant of poker and try to master it.


  2. When you know your 2 pair is good you will achieved mastery
