Saturday, December 09, 2006

Chip and an airplane seat

Finally, after six months without any vacation or travel, I'm in the Honolulu Airport ready to begin my journey to Vegas with a short layover in L.A.

I've been ready for a long time. Even if I lose (which I don't plan on), I'm pretty sure I'll have a great time. I need to fly away to someplace different.

I'm due for a break. I slacked off most of last year, but I've worked most of this year. It's been good to live and work in Hawaii, where most days are sunny and I'm surrounded by palm trees, plush mountains, the foamy surf and sweeping tradewinds. But it's time to get away for a little bit. I hate to stay in the same place for too long.

I have high expectations. I'll win some hands. I'll hoist some beers. I'll meet new and old friends. I'll eat good food. I'll laugh, I'll gamble, I'll play house games rigged against me.

I'll bust fish. I'll be confident. I'll enjoy myself. I'll stave off sleep. I'll take all their fucking money.

Then I get to go home to Atlanta, sleep late and just hang out for a while.

So yeah, I'm excited. I'm almost there -- I just need to get through this long redeye flight first, and then I'll be ready to start betting in the 8 a.m. hour tomorrow morning.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I really can not decided if I only hate you or do I loath you.

    hmmmm - FINALLY, a vacation - I get to LEAVE Hawaii!
