Thursday, November 09, 2006

K-Fed: Unlucky in love, cards

The night before news broke that Britney was splitting with Kevin Federline, he was in the mood to gamble.

Player "kfederline" was playing on a 5/10 NL table, and by all appearances, he was on major tilt. Or, more likely, he's simply a horrible player.

Any time he lost a pot, he'd move all-in on the next hand preflop with any two cards. Any time he hit part of the flop, he was prepared to move all-in. He never saw two cards he didn't like to play, and misguided aggression was his only weapon.

But everyone has their 15 minutes of fame. K-Fed knows that better than anyone.

First he was re-raised all-in with one shortstack already all-in. K-Fed called with pocket fives vs. 77 and AK. The shortstack doubled up with his 77, but K-Fed won $1,886 against the big stack when no high cards fell.

"I told you if you believe in yourself, say your prayers ... yo," K-Fed said.

The player he busted warned K-Fed not to give his chips away too quickly. Unfortunately, too much of a good thing was not enough.

All-in with A8o vs. 66 preflop? K-Fed couldn't dance around a third six, and he lost a $1,162 pot.

Two pair vs. a straight? No good for K-Fed, and it cost him a $2,022 pot.

His pocket eights vs. my pocket Aces, all-in preflop? He called for an 8 in the chat window, but no 8 came. He lost a $2,025 pot to me on that one.

Finally, K-Fed put himself out of his misery by getting all the chips in with AKs vs. 99 preflop. True to form, his overcards didn't improve.

Aww, so sad to see him go. Who knows if this player was actually Kevin Federline, but why would anyone else make his name their player ID?

Poor K-Fed. Good luck on that custody battle.

kfederline: bye
Wyteazn shows two pair, Nines and Eights
Wyteazn wins the pot ($1,223) with two pair, Nines and Eights
kfederline: love you
kfederline is sitting out


  1. I've played that guy and he is in the top 10 of my fish list.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Did K-fed use the K-Fed avatar? Make's me ill at the table when I see it...

  4. Now he's "FedEx" online and in real life. LOL.
