Wednesday, October 11, 2006

New wave

Poker must have missed me.

I'm on a steady three-day run since returning from last week's cashout. Full Tilt is doing me well so far, but I'm disappointed with their full ring tables. I guess no site's full ring game selection could rival Party's.

So I've been playing a lot of 2/4 NL six-max, and dominating. I'm playing smart and precise poker. Thank you Party for letting me leave!

Tonight I got a couple of guys on tilt when I called one guy's river bet with a better second pair, and then called another guy's river bluff with second pair in a three-way pot when he missed his flush draw.

That set up my most profitable hand of the night. I called a reraise from the small blind with pocket 3s and got to see a flop for $36 in a three-way pot. Both of my opponents were loose players with deep stacks.

I flopped the set and slowplayed it until the turn, when my opponent picked up a flush draw in addition to his top pair of Jacks. He went all in, and I called in an instant. River was a blank, and I go home happy.

Then he launched into some hilarious table chat about all the Party Poker players who are screwing up his game on Full Tilt. I loved it, because I'm one of those players:

wrestle1234: i am talking about the hand that just hanppend
Dealer: smizmiatch wins the pot ($133) with two pair, Aces
and Kings
oz27: hahaha
wrestle1234: retard
wrestle1234: guy calls 36 with 3/3
wrestle1234: knowing he has to hit set to continue
Dealer: smizmiatch wins the pot ($10)
wrestle1234: i have top pair
wrestle1234: A kicker
wrestle1234: and nut flush draw
wrestle1234: lol
wrestle1234: ever since all the fish came over
wrestle1234: they been catching far out chances like crazy
wrestle1234: tempting them to play retarded even more
FullCurl: /nice play smiz
wrestle1234: fullcurl doesn't have a clue
wrestle1234: no one bothers about what he says
wrestle1234: he got lucky once
wrestle1234: and hasn't done anything since
wrestle1234: except lose it back
FullCurl: lol
wrestle1234: i won't beat u tonight though
wrestle1234: i can't win with anything
wrestle1234: i flop two pair and someone has set
wrestle1234: i flop set some catches a draw
wrestle1234: i get PP ........someone has higher one or
catches A like here
wrestle1234: then is dumb enough to slowplay it twice ina row
wrestle1234: as i have been saying
wrestle1234: ever since party announced closing down to
wrestle1234: been some pretty pathetic players on here
wrestle1234: and then fulltilt starts letting runner runners take a
lot down


  1. You'd think he wouldn't be upset about this...sheesh.

  2. I'm guessing this wrestle1234 character has never heard of implied odds? ROFL!
