Thursday, September 28, 2006

Linky links

I recently wrote about Sixth Sense, a program that scans sites' tables lists and cross-references them with your PokerTracker database to determine the fishiest tables. I loved the program; I hated the cost.

Fortunately, there's a new, lower-cost alternative program called SpadeEye. Compared to Sixth Sense, SpadeEye is a little less intuitive to use but has a few more features. It works with Poker Office and Poker Manger in addition to PokerTracker, and it can also be used as a datamining tool. I'm liking it.

I still prefer to do my datamining of observed hands using FreePHG, which recently came out with version 2.01. Download it here.

Finally, the next blogger event is this Sunday -- and it's that crazy game of Omaha 8! Hope to see y'all there.

PLO banner.jpg

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