How have I gotten this far in poker while still being so easily trapped? All I can figure is that I've relied on aggression and trickery well enough to win money from weak-tight folding stations and loose calling stations.
_Don't go bust with top pair, top kicker. I swear I'm getting better at this, but I trapped myself (again) with AK today. The situation was that I raised from under the gun and got about six callers. When I hit my King on the flop, I checked it to the button and then check-raised. He called, and I pushed on the turn because my opponent was already pot committed. He turned up bottom set.
At the time, I thought my check-raise would be a good way to narrow the field and control the pot size. Unfortunately, the pot had gotten quite large by the time the button called my raise.
I was talking to Vic about this hand, and he suggested betting out on the flop and folding to a raise. Another option would have been to check-fold the turn after he called my check-raise.
_Information bets. If I had bet out that AK hand, I probably would have gotten a better idea of where I stood.
One problem I always have is that it's hard to determine how much information bets are worth. You can put a percentage on most moves in poker, but information bets are difficult to define in terms of value.
Perhaps I'm thinking about the concept incorrectly. Maybe I should bet out for value and get out of the pot once I realize the pitiful state of my equity.
_Controlling the pot size. I would love to be able to play a small pot with TPTK or an overpair more often, but I don't know how. I worry that too often, I'll find myself making a laydown of a potential best hand on the flop.
I need to convince myself that I'll make more money by folding a marginal winning hand in a small pot than I will by pushing a perceived edge when I may well be drawing dead.
This should be basic information. Eventually, I'll get it through my thick skull.
You also have to consider that with so many people in your pot, your big hand, even if it's AA, will not as often be best hand.