Friday, May 12, 2006


My family and cat arrived in town last night, which is pretty exciting.

I missed all of them in the four months since I moved here from Atlanta. We're doing all kinds of touristy things, like going to the Polynesian Center, checking out the beaches, hanging out in Waikiki and getting restaurant recommendations from tour books.

I guess I should know better since I've been living here, but really, I only know of a few places to go. I'm happy to check out the beaten path, just to see what it's like.

Waikiki is a hell of a lot different from the rest of Honolulu. It's just an endless stream of overpriced strip malls, tourists and ABC stores. It doesn't feel like the rest of Hawaii at all, except for the tropical scenery. I guess that's good enough for most visitors. Hey, I'm cool with it. I'm glad they have places to go and things to do.

My cat, Poncey, is getting ready to help me with my poker game. I'm not sure how I ever made money with my poker cat thousands of miles away. I must have been running good or something.

I think Poncey has given me a slight reprieve from the tables, since I have to concentrate on showing my family a good time and making him feel at home.

I'm wary, though. It won't be long until that cat insists I get back at the tables. He has an insatiable appetite for fish.


  1. I've only visited there once; I came back from Sydney and Sweetie flew out. We stayed one night at the Hilton and took in the sites, then headed to Ritz-Carlton Kapalua. I wouldn't do Waikiki again (been there done that), but the other was incredible. And safer now after the drunks from Lost got shot last week.

  2. No cat pic. No peanut.

  3. Ryan needs to bring his two-headed cat out to New Chamblee. Then he'd never have to play at Commerce again.

  4. NEVER dis the cat's name. On another note, my kitten arrives Tuesday so I can put its naming up to the whim of the masses.
