Friday, March 31, 2006


Heh. I went to look in my spreadsheet, and it turns out that March has been a profitable month after all. I'm amazed sometimes at how much I seem to lose but still come out ahead. I'll take it.

So now I'm back in relaxed bonus-hunting mode. Why wouldn't I be? Bonuses have made me tons of money throughout my poker career. If not for bonuses, I would have busted out a long time ago.

Here are the ones I'm hitting up:

_Empire Poker is offering a 40 percent to $200 bonus with a 7X workthru. Pretty good deal if you ask me. The deadline for this one is midnight on April 1, and you only have three days to clear it.

_Casino-on-Net has a 20 percent to $50 bonus on blackjack if you use Moneybookers as your deposit method. Thanks to Daniel for alerting me to this one. What's amazing about this bonus is that it only has a 2X bonus workthru! It took me about 15 minutes to clear. If you've never played at Casino-on-Net before, be sure to also take advantage of their initial deposit bonus.

_Betfred is offering 100 percent to $250. This one comes courtesy of Scurvydog.

It's nice to be bonus whoring again -- it takes less concentration, but it's still rewarding to be making money.

I'm glad I stopped playing when I did yesterday. I was grouchy/surly when I started playing, and near the end I was getting pretty angry.

The bad cards continued today, but I was playing in easier games (read: lower limit/no limit), so I was able to make a little money.

It's strange how runs of cards feel like they have some individuality to them. I know that's just the human tendency to try to make order out of randomness, but I can't help it if that's the way my mind works.

For example, this run of cards is not filled with too many bad beats. It's more like my premium hands are running into other premium hands, I'm missing the flop, I can't bluff successfully, I'm losing coin flips and any hand better than one pair is a rare occurrence. When I lose, it's happening slowly rather than in too many gut-wrenching disasters. The same goes for my winning sessions.

I'm not complaining about it. More like I'm just babbling about it. This kind of streak feels less swingy and more steady. I wonder how much of that is a function of randomness, and how much is caused by my tight betting? I think randomness is more likely.

The next WSOP qualifier tournament for bloggers will be held Monday. I wish I could play in this one (the first one is where I finished in 2nd place), but I'll be at work when this one starts. For the rest of you, sign yourself up so you can win a bracelet!

Blogger WSOP Satellite Tourney
PokerStars - Private Tab
April 3rd - MONDAY
$30 +3
No Limit
Password: socoshot

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