Friday, January 20, 2006

L.A. Calling

I'm so ready for my first trip to L.A. I'm going to my friend Owen's wedding on Saturday, and then I plan on playing a lot of poker.

Bring it. I'm prepared to bust as many fish I can as quickly as possible. Now is the time, we have the technology. We must blow up the fish.

I want to win a lot. I haven't been up during my last four trips to live casinos -- Vegas, Tunica, Tampa and Amsterdam. But I haven't been down much either, and I think a lot of times you need some cards. The games sure have been juicy.

From what I hear, the Commerce in L.A. is swarming with tournament fish who have no idea what they're doing. I can't wait to play in the side games!

For anyone out there who wants to meet up, drop me a line. My e-mail address is listed on the right-hand bar of this Web page, or you could just leave me some info in the comments section. I know that it's likely I'll meet up with Alan from Geek and Proud, Ryan from Absithe's Troubles and glyph from StudioGlyphic.

I have Alan's number (I think that's whose number I have), but I don't have contact info for anyone else. Let me know. I'll be at the tables, and it would be really cool to hang out with some of you.

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